News for Authors

Meet the PRH Employee Ambassadors

by Kelsey Manning|October, 2021

In January 2019, our Consumer Marketing and Corporate Communications teams partnered to launch the Penguin Random House Employee Ambassador Program, with the goals of highlighting the voices and creativity of our talented employees, giving readers a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to work in publishing, and creating authentic content that promotes our wonderful books.

The program has been so much fun that we are now on our third round of ambassadors, featuring a whopping sixty-one amazing, creative employees across all divisions and job functions, from New York to Indiana and beyond! There are some you might recognize from your teams, and some you may have already seen featured on the @penguinrandomhouse Instagram account.

At Penguin Random House, we are constantly looking at ways to work with influencers to elevate your books, and our strategy encompasses influencers of all kinds, from celebrities to brand partners to the book influencer community to our own employees. Each of these brings a unique value proposition to our marketing mix. So while celebrities and mega influencers provide reach and credibility, our employee ambassadors bring personalization and authenticity, which are crucial on social media. Essentially, it’s the digital version of hand-selling—and we are very grateful to these ambassadors for lending their voices to support your books, even after hours!

If you would like to get to know these members of the PRH family and check out their posts, you can click on their photos below or search the hashtag #teamPRH.

Kelsey Manning, Associate Director of Marketing for Penguin Random House