News for Authors

Six Tips for a Social Media Cover Reveal

by Neda Dallal|April, 2023

The cover reveal is a favorite piece of the marketing campaign for many authors, but there are many moving parts involved to make it a success. You’ll work closely with your marketing team on the reveal, so be sure to maintain regular communication with them to figure out what’s possible. Every author’s social media following is different, and your team will be a great resource in determining what assets and avenues make the most sense for your reveal.

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How to Take Your Own Book Photos at Home

by Jacky Bethea|May, 2022

Photos and visual media can be great ways to promote your book and increase your audience engagement on social media. But displaying your work for a viewer’s eye can be challenging, especially without a professional studio on hand. We sat down with Richard Wylde and Chelsea Fone of PRH’s Consumer Marketing Creative Media team and learned that there are plenty of ways to achieve professional-looking photos of your book with tools that you can find from the comfort of home. Read on for four tips to help you fine-tune your own flat-lay photo taking skills.

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