News for Authors

What’s New on Instagram and Twitter

by Phil Stamper-Halpin|December, 2020

If you haven’t been on social media in a while, you might be surprised to see some big changes from a couple of the major sites. From Fleets to Reels, here’s everything you need to know about what’s new on Instagram and Twitter. Read more

A Letter from Our U.S. CEO: Launching Our Holiday Campaign

by The Author Newsletter Team|November, 2020

With the holiday season upon us, Penguin Random House is launching a campaign that celebrates what makes books so meaningful this time of year. Read on for a letter from our U.S. CEO, Madeline McIntosh, who shares details about the Books Give More campaign! Read more

A Recap of Virtual Events at Penguin Random House

by Phil Stamper-Halpin|November, 2020

From Instagram Live to Crowdcast to Zoom and everywhere in between, Penguin Random House has been putting on a broad selection of virtual events. Read on for a recap of some of these events, plus an introduction to Books Connect Us Live. Read more

How to Hone Your Virtual Speaking Skills

by Neda Dallal|November, 2020

Now that virtual events are the norm, you might be wondering how to prepare for and take the fullest advantage of your virtual speaking engagements. Read on to set yourself up for speaking success on virtual platforms. Read more

Help Us Foster Greater Diversity and Inclusion at Penguin Random House

by The Author Newsletter Team|October, 2020

Calling all PRH authors and creators with books published from 2019 to 2021! Please participate in our author survey, which is a key step in helping us to conduct an audit of our publishing programs. Your participation is invaluable to us as we work toward our goal of publishing books that more comprehensively reflect our society and the diverse communities of readers we serve. Read more

How PRH Education is Meeting Educators’ Adapting Needs

by Luis Diaz|October, 2020

As we begin a school year unlike any other, Penguin Random House Education is dedicated to working with educators as they adapt to a shifting landscape. Read on to learn about what PRH Education is doing to meet the needs of teachers and students alike during this time. Read more

Five Things Authors Can Do to Support Their Marketers

by Neda Dallal|October, 2020

Even during difficult times like these, your marketing team is working hard to get your books into readers’ hands. Read on for some tips on what you can do to support your marketer, now and in the future. Read more

Give the Gift of Books from Penguin Random House!

by The Author Newsletter Team|October, 2020

We are delighted to extend this special author promotion to help you stock up on books (yours or those by others) and help those in need this holiday season!
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Introducing Our Global Social Impact Website

by The Author Newsletter Team|September, 2020

Markus Dohle, CEO of Penguin Random House, recently sent the following letter to employees worldwide announcing the launch of the Global Social Impact website. Read on to discover how our company’s actions and values unify employees globally into a collective force dedicated to transforming lives and communities locally. Read more

Behind the Scenes: Producing Audiobooks in Quarantine with PRH Audio

by Dan Zitt|September, 2020

Many of us transitioned to working from home in March, and for the Penguin Random House Audio group, this shift in operations presented some challenges. Read on to learn how PRH Audio has moved to creating and producing audiobooks from home, and to see some photos of at-home audio setups!
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