News for Authors

Penguin Random House Publishing Highlights: 2019

January, 2020

As we ring in the new year (and new decade!), it’s a great time to look back on the many successes our talented authors achieved in 2019. We are excited to work closely with many of you in 2020, and to celebrate more coming accomplishments! Read more

PRH’s First-Ever Book Fair for Grownups

by The Author Newsletter Team|January, 2020

Few childhood events evoke as much nostalgia as the elementary-school book fair. Read on to learn how Penguin Random House captured that unmistakable, magical feeling at our first-ever Book Fair for Grownups on Saturday, November 23, at Lightbox in New York City. Read more

Best Practices for Participating in Author Panels

by Phil Stamper-Halpin|January, 2020

Whether you’re at a bookstore or a conference, you’ll likely find yourself on stage as part of an author panel at some point in your career. In this article, we’ll dig into how to prepare for the experience. Read more

A Year in Review: Top Book Trends of 2019

by Neda Dallal|December, 2019

As the end of 2019 approaches, we take a look back at major trends that resonated with readers this year. Keep reading to learn about some of the biggest PRH sales trends of 2019. Read more

The Ins and Outs of Cover Design

by Anthony Ramondo|December, 2019

For many authors, the design process behind their book jackets remains a mystery. Read on for a PRH creative director’s firsthand experience of creating cover designs, insights into how to translate a manuscript into a visual concept, and examples of different cover options for a few of our titles! Read more

Following the Buzz: Being Reactive on Social Media

by Phil Stamper-Halpin|December, 2019

Previously, we’ve helped you plan your social media campaigns, from promotional tweets to featuring your pet on Instagram Stories and everywhere in between. But in this article, we focus on how to be reactive on social media and how to find and interact with viral content. Read more

Penguin Random House Added 300,000 to the One Million Books Donated to First Book in Obama Family Name

by The Author Newsletter Team|December, 2019

On Giving Tuesday, Penguin Random House joined with Former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to announce that the company will donate an additional 300,000 children’s books to First Book, building upon its previously announced donation of one million of its children’s books to First Book in the Obama family’s name. Read more

Author Portal & Newsletter Survey 2019

by The Author Newsletter Team|November, 2019

Calling all authors! We would love you to complete our quick survey. Your feedback helps advise our future content and enhancements, from monthly News for Authors mailings to the variety of resources on the Penguin Random House Author Portal. Read more

Q&A with Consumer Marketing: Finding Ways to Welcome Consumers to the Habit of Reading

by The Author Newsletter Team|November, 2019

At Penguin Random House, our marketing teams play a major role in getting the word out about your books. We spoke with Sanyu Dillon, executive vice president and director of marketing strategy and consumer engagement, about the evolution of her team and of consumer marketing as a whole. Read more

How to Create Your Own Podcast

by Neda Dallal|November, 2019

Ever thought about starting a podcast? As an author, you may find that you have a lot to say beyond the content of your book, and a podcast can be a great medium for this. This article details the basics of making your own podcast, from soup to nuts. Read more