News for Authors

Give the Gift of Books from Penguin Random House!

by The Author Newsletter Team|November, 2019

We are delighted to extend this special author promotion to help you stock up on books (yours or those by others) and help those in need this holiday season!
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How to Win at Twitter

by Benjamin Dreyer|October, 2019

Benjamin Dreyer is the copy chief and managing editor of Random House, as well as the bestselling author of Dreyer’s English. Part of his success as an author has come from his engagement with Twitter. Read on to learn from Dreyer how to do Twitter right as an author. Read more

The Special Markets Landscape: Embracing Experiential Retail and Beyond

by Jennifer Lipman|October, 2019

The Special Markets sales team at Penguin Random House focuses on getting your books into markets outside of the traditional book trade. If you like to shop, you’re undoubtedly familiar with some of our top specialty retailers, such as Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, Paper Source, Papyrus, Williams Sonoma, TJ Maxx, and more. Read more

Frequently Asked Questions: How Do I Promote My Posts on Social Media?

by Phil Stamper-Halpin|October, 2019

As you get better acquainted with social media use, you may eventually consider the option of promoting your posts to a wider audience. In this article, we’ll go over the fundamentals of and FAQs about promoting your posts on social media. Read more

2009 to 2019: A Decade of Changes in Book Publishing

by Phil Stamper-Halpin|September, 2019

The past decade in book publishing has been a fascinating time for readers, retailers, authors, and publishers alike. The rise of digital, the self-publishing boom, and significant competition from other media products have all changed the landscape of the industry. Read more

More Apps and Tools for Authors

by Phil Stamper-Halpin|September, 2019

As a follow-up to one of our most popular articles from 2017, “11 Apps and Tools to Make Your Writing Sessions More Productive,” we’re back to let you know about the latest apps, tips, and trends (and some book recommendations!) to cut out distractions and get the most out of your writing. Read more

Maximizing Your Author Presence on LinkedIn

by Neda Dallal|September, 2019

LinkedIn is a hugely helpful networking tool, but it might be difficult to figure out how to make this platform work for you as an author. Read on to learn how to maximize your profile and presence on LinkedIn so you can network with the best of them. Read more

Madeline’s Picks: Part 2

by The Author Newsletter Team|September, 2019

As we enjoy the remaining days of summer, here are some reading picks our U.S. CEO recently offered that transcend the seasons.  Read more

On the Rise: Graphic Novels for Young Readers

by Kelly Coyle-Crivelli|August, 2019

A lot has changed in the relationship between graphic novels and librarians or educators over the past decade. The Penguin Random House Library Marketing team is excited to report on the growth of graphic novels in their channel. Read on to learn more about the ways graphic novels for young readers are on the rise. Read more

The Opportunities and Challenges of International Sales

by Neda Dallal|August, 2019

Ever wonder how your books are sold in markets around the world? Read on to learn about how the PRH International Sales team gets your books into countries across the globe. Read more