News for Authors

Publishing in 2016: The Year of Copyright

by Emily Condlin|March, 2016

2016 is poised to be the year of the largest overhaul to copyright law in nearly half a century, as members of Congress, the House Judiciary Committee, and other government agencies undertake a comprehensive review of the current copyright landscape.

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From the Editor: Getting Ahead with Revisions

by Phil Stamper-Halpin|March, 2016

Revisions can be a challenging part of the writing process, but also one full of opportunity. In this delicate stage, authors look at their work from a fresh perspective. But knowing which mistakes to look out for can be a challenge. We’ve asked our fiction and nonfiction editors about common pitfalls they see in early drafts and how authors can overcome them.

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How to Master Your Next Speaking Engagement

by Andrea Bachofen and Milena Schmidt|March, 2016

There’s nothing more rewarding than connecting with fans at readings and speaking engagements. But this can also be nerve-racking, because not everyone is a natural public speaker. Whether you’re planning on speaking at a smaller event such as a book club or at a large conference, experts from the Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau and publicity teams share tips to help you own the room and make a lasting impression.

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Introducing Signature & How Authors Can Get Involved

by Joe Muscolino|March, 2016

Signature is an online destination that provides readers with reporting, commentary, essays, and more information on current events and cultural moments, drawn from relevant Penguin Random House books as well as those from other publishers. The site features essays, interviews, illustrations, and opinion pieces by authors, journalists, and experts.

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Creating Reality in Fiction Writing

by Phil Stamper-Halpin|February, 2016

To the outside world, fiction writing gives an author unlimited freedom. From fantasy to contemporary and all genres in between, an author chooses—and often invents—the story’s setting, environment, culture, dialect, and technology, among other key elements.

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Defining Metadata: Putting Your Books into the Hands of More Readers

by Andrea Bachofen and Laurie Stark|February, 2016

From writing descriptive copy to choosing the right keywords and BISAC subject codes, we take a look at a few of the nitty-gritty metadata decisions your publishing team makes to ensure that your book reaches the widest possible audience.

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Everything You Need to Know about Organizing a Blog Tour

by The Author Newsletter Team|February, 2016

Blog tours can be a great way to drum up early excitement about your book’s release. But what are the benefits of a blog tour, and how can you start your own? Our publicists are here to answer frequently asked questions about blog tours.

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Penguin Random House Publishing Highlights: 2015

by The Author Newsletter Team|January, 2016

As we ring in 2016, we look back on the previous year, which was filled with success for many of our talented authors. We look forward to working closely with many of you in 2016, and to celebrating many more successes!


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Building the Best Relationship with Indies

by The Author Newsletter Team|January, 2016

All bookstores love to support local authors, including independent stores, who can put extra effort into promoting an author and hand-selling books to readers. So your team at Penguin Random House works hard to ensure indies learn about your book. Read more

New Year’s Resolution for Authors: Find Your Social Media Joy

by Brandi Larsen|January, 2016

With the zillions of sites available for people to connect, it’s forgivable for your head to swim when you think about where to focus your social media efforts. Read more