News for Authors

Our Continued Commitment to Print

by Annette Danek-Akey|May, 2017

It’s been well documented, after years of debate and concern, that print books are here to stay and can easily coexist with digital books. We have many successful digital imprints across Penguin Random House, but we also have a continued commitment to print. Read on to learn more about how our fulfillment teams support our print books and authors. Read more

Cracking the Asian Markets: Sales and Promotional Opportunities for Children’s Books

by Christine Swedowsky|May, 2017

The market for English-language children’s books in Asia is large and growing, with China, the Philippines, and South Korea at the front of the pack. In 2016, these three countries collectively accounted for well above half of all revenue in our Asian markets. In China alone, children’s book sales have increased by 100 percent yearly from 2014 to 2016. Read more

How to Use Visuals to Strengthen Your Social Media Posts

by Jennifer Clare|May, 2017

Visual media has become a must on social media. Studies show that social media users across all platforms respond better to and interact more with pictures and images compared to plain text. Tweets with images receive 150 percent more retweets than tweets without images. Facebook posts with images see twice as much engagement as those without. And Instagram, a platform specifically designed for image-sharing, recorded more than 500 million users in June 2016. Read more

How Authors Can Protect their Privacy in 2017

by Phil Stamper-Halpin|April, 2017

From logging in to your website, blog, and social accounts to emailing book-related materials, staying on top of cybersecurity is more important than ever. Thankfully, with each new threat come new tools to block it and keep your identity and data safe from harm. Below are some specific tips and best practices for protecting your privacy. Read more

April is for Lovers… Book Lovers: How You Can Get Involved

by Emily Condlin|April, 2017

April is quickly becoming the month to celebrate books and reading, with campaigns here in the United States—including Poetry Month and #ProjectReadathon—and abroad—including UNESCO’s World Book and Copyright Day and Spain’s St. Jordi Day. Keep reading to learn more about how Penguin Random House is helping to drive the global conversation about books and reading this April, and how you can get involved and give back. Read more

Why and How Authors Should Survey Readers

by Phil Stamper-Halpin with Alex Alman|April, 2017

With the various forms of communication authors can use to reach their readers—newsletters, social media, speaking engagements, and more—it can be difficult to know what content resonates the most. Read more

Author Newsletter & Portal Survey

by The Author Newsletter Team|March, 2017

Your feedback helps advise our future content and enhancements, from monthly News for Authors mailings and webinars to the variety of resources on the Penguin Random House Author Portal. Read more

The Growing World of Fan Conventions & How You Can Get Involved

by Lindsey Elias|March, 2017

Our in-house experts share their thoughts on picking the right shows to attend and their tips for getting the most out of the experience, whether you’re speaking on a panel, exhibiting on your own, or attending a show with Penguin Random House. Read more

Using Instagram Stories to Build Reader Engagement

by Phil Stamper-Halpin with Natasha Minoso|March, 2017

In January, we hosted a webinar on Instagram Stories with Natasha Minoso from our consumer engagement team. She offered tips and best practices on how to make the most of this new addition to Instagram. Read more

Retail and Book-Buying Insights from the 2016 Holiday Season

by Andrea Bachofen|February, 2017

The end of 2016 provided valuable insights into trends we saw throughout the year, and a glimpse at what we might expect this year. Read on to learn about what happened across retail channels and in the book industry specifically, and what’s in store for 2017. Read more