News for Authors

Monthly Marketing Tip: Writing for SEO

by Kristin Fritz|December, 2012

Search engine optimization (SEO) is that bit of magic that makes web content discoverable, increasing traffic to your website for free. Truly, though, there’s nothing terribly magical about it. In layman’s terms, SEO is about selecting words that people might use when they’re searching for something in particular online. As content creators in the digital space, we can make smart choices about the copy in our headlines and posts, incorporating keywords and terms that are seen as desirable to search engines.

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Deciding Between a Facebook Page and a Profile

December, 2012

One of the core decisions when using Facebook is whether to have a Profile or a Page (or both). Although they function slightly differently, either can work well for an author.

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The Hidden Engines That Support Independent Retailers

November, 2012


The upcoming holiday season is the most important selling season in the year, but it also presents special challenges for independent book retailers. Just when it is most important to have lots of staff on the selling floor, helping customers and recommending gifts, it also becomes crucial to keep key titles in stock, which demands time in the back office, tracking consumer demand and sourcing inventory.

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Spotlight: Virtual Author Appearances

by Sophie McNeill|November, 2012

In our increasingly digital world, virtual author appearances have become popular with book-loving audiences in libraries, classrooms, book blogs, and book groups. Here are our tips and thoughts on the virtual platforms we have worked with to date in this evolving area.

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Monthly Marketing Tip: What to Blog About

by Sophie McNeill|November, 2012

For authors who have the time to post regularly, blogging can be a wonderful way to build a following and engage with readers. One question authors often ask us is “What should I blog about?” While every author is different, these are the key factors we think authors should take into account when deciding what to include in their blogs.

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A Letter to Random House Authors from CEO Markus Dohle

November, 2012



October 29, 2012

To Our Authors,

Our most important mission will always be to publish the work you entrust to us for everyone, everywhere, in every format, and on every platform. That mandate is a primary motivation behind Bertelsmann and Pearson, the parent companies of Random House and the Penguin Book group, signing an agreement this week to combine our respective trade book activities. Read more

A Letter to Literary Agents from Random House CEO Markus Dohle

November, 2012


 October 29, 2012

To Our Literary Agents,

As you now know, our parent company Bertelsmann today signed an agreement with Pearson to combine Penguin and Random House’s respective trade-book publishing activities. In this new partnership with Penguin, we will be retaining the distinct identities of both companies’ imprints. You and your clients will benefit from an extraordinary breadth of publishing choices, and editorial talents and experience. Our Random House imprint leadership remains endowed with tremendous autonomy and financial resources to decide which books to publish, and how to publish them. We expect this to continue in our new business. Read more

Spotlight: Managing Store Inventory

by Sophie McNeill|October, 2012

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is a hot topic in business circles and a capability that Random House has been developing for some time. To get at the meaning behind the management-speak, we sat down with Nihar Malaviya, our SVP, director of  strategy, analytics & program development, and Alyssa Oles, manager of supply chain projects and business analytics.

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Celebrate Reading during Banned Books Week

by Katherine Fleming|October, 2012

Each fall, libraries and bookstores nationwide participate in Banned Books Week, raising awareness of literary censorship with displays of “challenged” books and hosting events celebrating the freedom to read. This year, Banned Books Week is from September 30 through October 6. Keep reading to find out how you can get involved!

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Monthly Marketing Tip: Email Tips & Tricks

by Jessica Loffredo|October, 2012

Email newsletters are a great way to stay connected with readers. From promoting your new books to keeping your readers engaged between publications, email can strengthen your relationship with your fan base.

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