News for Authors

9 Ways to Prepare for Your On-Sale Date

by Andrea Bachofen|November, 2014

For debut and seasoned authors alike, the time just before your book’s publication can be simultaneously exciting and nerve-racking. To help with the latter, we asked a few Penguin Random House authors and editors to offer their best advice for authors nearing their publication date.

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How Selling Online is Shaping Cover Design

by Emily Condlin|October, 2014

A great book cover should be striking, memorable, profound, and, most of all, eye-catching. It should pull a reader across a bookstore with a flash of color or a slick effect. But today, designers must think beyond the physical bookstore and consider the digital one as well.

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Book Publishing: Is It a Stable Business?

by Dave Thompson|October, 2014

Two years ago, amid myriad speculations in the media, on blogs, and in internet forums about the looming death of the book business, we were happily surprised to find that these speculations were far from the truth. In fact, the data showed a very stable progression of the industry’s revenue pool.

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Birdwatching: New Twitter Analytics

by Emily Hughes|October, 2014

Twitter recently rolled out a new free analytics platform, which you can reach at Previously, Twitter offered only very basic analytics, but the revamped page offers much improved tools, similar to Facebook Insights.

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Sneak Peeks: The Power of Early Reader Programs

by Emily Condlin|September, 2014

Getting advance copies of books into the hands of book reviewers has been a publishing industry tactic for generations. However, early reader review programs are no longer limited to sending hard-copy galleys to established book reviewers.

Changes to the technological and media landscapes are allowing authors and publishers to get advance copies to previewers faster than ever and, ultimately, reach readers more effectively. Read more

10 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

by Andrea Bachofen|September, 2014

We asked some of our authors to anonymously share their best ideas on how to beat writer’s block. Read on for inspiration.

(If you would like to contribute to this series, see the note at the end of the article.) Read more

10 Tips for a Successful Author Website

by Chris Sigfrids|September, 2014

Even in this social media age, having a good author website is still important. Websites give authors credibility and act as their home on the web, directing information-seekers to where they can buy the book, connect with the author on social media, or book the author for a speaking engagement.

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The Best Suggestion I Ever Got From My Editor

by Andrea Bachofen|August, 2014

We asked some authors to share the best advice they have ever received from their Penguin Random House editors.

Below, we explore the evergreen topic of the best editorial advice you have received. Next month, we’ll explore the question “How do you overcome writer’s block?” Submit your answers for inclusion here. Read more

Spreading the Story: News from our Verticals

by Milena Schmidt|August, 2014

Penguin Random House’s genre-specific websites now reach more readers than ever through creative content and syndication strategies. These sites include Biographile, aimed at readers of biography and memoir; Suvudu, dedicated to science fiction and fantasy; Word & Film, which covers the intersection of film, television, and books; TasteBook, a community for foodies; and Everyday eBook, for digital readers.

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Podcasting Tips from Beaks & Geeks

by Amy Brinker and Lindsay Jacobsen|August, 2014

Podcasting is a popular medium for readers and authors alike, and can expand your fan base with interesting, shareable content.

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