As we ring in the new year, it’s a great time to look back on the many successes our talented authors achieved in 2023. We are excited to work closely with many of you in 2024, and to celebrate more coming accomplishments!
As we ring in the new year, it’s a great time to look back on the many successes our talented authors achieved in 2023. We are excited to work closely with many of you in 2024, and to celebrate more coming accomplishments!
Photos and visual media can be great ways to promote your book and increase your audience engagement on social media. But displaying your work for a viewer’s eye can be challenging, especially without a professional studio on hand. We sat down with Richard Wylde and Chelsea Fone of PRH’s Consumer Marketing Creative Media team and learned that there are plenty of ways to achieve professional-looking photos of your book with tools that you can find from the comfort of home. Read on for four tips to help you fine-tune your own flat-lay photo taking skills.
The process for an illustrated novel can vary based on the amount and intricacy of art and the schedule and complexity of the manuscript. View the presentation below to learn how Random House Children’s Books brings a story from a manuscript to finished book. Read more
Nearly all books are still made of ink on paper, whether printed on a conventional offset press or the more recent digital presses. To paraphrase Gertrude Stein: a book is still a book is still a book. But for each title we publish, the process of getting the book to press differs greatly. Read on to learn more about the interior design and print production processes at Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Read more
In all areas of production, a great deal of time and thought is put into how to attract readers and turn them into lifelong fans of your work. But authors rarely get to see this process. For this article, we interviewed Helen Yentus, art director at Riverhead, and asked her to guide us through the multifaceted world of cover design. Read more
A great book cover should be striking, memorable, profound, and, most of all, eye-catching. It should pull a reader across a bookstore with a flash of color or a slick effect. But today, designers must think beyond the physical bookstore and consider the digital one as well.
Finally seeing the cover for your book can be a thrilling moment. More and more authors are choosing to share that moment with fans with a dramatic “cover reveal.” As well as being fun, cover reveals can help build buzz and momentum in advance of a book’s publication. Plus they are easy to do—with a bit of planning and good communication with your publishing team.
Here is some advice on whether cover reveals are a good tactic for your book, and tips on execution. Read more