Six to nine months before publication, you’ll meet your marketing and publicity team to start strategizing your book’s promotion. Here are five things you can do in advance to help your team optimize your campaigns.
Six to nine months before publication, you’ll meet your marketing and publicity team to start strategizing your book’s promotion. Here are five things you can do in advance to help your team optimize your campaigns.
Whether you’re new to Penguin Random House or a seasoned member of our publishing family, you may want to look back on some of our most useful and popular marketing tips for authors from the past few years. Read more
As you navigate the publishing process, you will work closely with both your publicity and your marketing teams. This article gives a breakdown of these two essential publishing realms, the differences between them, and how they work to get your book out into the world. Read more
As an author, you may be comfortable speaking at your own book events, which you’ve initiated, but you might wonder how to prepare for and to take fullest advantage of speaking engagements that go beyond your book, such as when schools, conferences, and other venues invite new speakers and panelists. Read more
Whether you’re speaking at a local bookstore or you find yourself in an elevator with an inquisitive friend, as an author you will find yourself pitching at every turn. This toolkit will help you develop pitches to navigate any situation. Read more
With more than seven hundred million English speakers living outside of North America, marketing our books globally is more important than ever. Read more
Chances are, you’ve used social media to let readers know about your events. But are you taking full advantage of social platforms and their many features, from hashtags to event pages and more, to promote your appearances? Read more
In December, we hosted a webinar on media speaking engagements with Craig Burke, Director and VP of Publicity for Berkley. He answered frequently asked questions about preparing for media speaking engagements of all kinds. Read more
Blog tours can be a great way to drum up early excitement about your book’s release. But what are the benefits of a blog tour, and how can you start your own? Our publicists are here to answer frequently asked questions about blog tours.
Media appearances are an important part of many book launches and a great opportunity to spread the word about your book. But being a memorable guest on radio or television involves more than just the interview itself. Use the social media you already have to magnify the impact of your appearance and make yourself a welcome return guest.