News for Authors

Nov 2, 2021

How to Protect Your Safety and Security on Facebook and Instagram

Navigating Facebook and Instagram can be a challenge when you’re in the public eye. With negative comments, sneaky impersonators, or even potential account compromise, there can be a lot to worry about. Bad actors can sometimes slip under the radar. We sat in on Facebook’s Safety School for Authors and learned six easy tips for authors who want to proactively put their online safety first.


Nov 2, 2021

Give the Gift of Books from Penguin Random House!

We are delighted to extend this special author promotion to help you stock up on books (yours or those by others) and help those in need this holiday season!

Oct 5, 2021

Meet the PRH Employee Ambassadors

In January 2019, our Consumer Marketing and Corporate Communications teams partnered to launch the Penguin Random House Employee Ambassador Program, with the goals of highlighting the voices and creativity of our talented employees, giving readers a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to work in publishing, and creating authentic content that promotes our wonderful books. (more…)

Oct 5, 2021

Penguin Random House Celebrates the Contributions of Our Latinx and Hispanic Authors

In celebration of Latinx & Hispanic Heritage Month, Penguin Random House has launched #IAmLaCultura! This campaign celebrates Latinx and Hispanic authors whose stories are redefining identity and shaping culture. As we continue our mission of bringing new and diverse audiences into the Penguin Random House universe, we want to showcase a range of stories across the Latinx and Hispanic diaspora. (more…)

Oct 5, 2021

An Introduction to Multicultural Marketing

At Penguin Random House, we recognize that our book buyers are individuals with a wide range of intersectional identities. Those identities—formed within the social and political constructs of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexuality, and even geography—help inform their experiences and drive many of their choices. While many factors affect consumer behavior, PRH understands cultural identity is an important touchstone as we seek to better understand the needs of our readers. (more…)

Sep 8, 2021

Moments: Publishing Trends and Key Occasions for Fall 2021

At Penguin Random House, direct communication and relationships with readers are key to marketplace success, and strong consumer marketing and outreach begin with understanding our audience. Penguin Random House Consumer Insights is excited to present Moments Fall 2021, a report that predicts consumer sentiment and behaviors during the coming quarter. (more…)

Sep 8, 2021

Helping Educators Meet Their Needs During the Pandemic

As educators at all levels continue to adapt to an ever-changing educational landscape, ranging from distance-learning practices to varying hybrid models to being fully back in-person, Penguin Random House (PRH) Education has helped them meet their evolving challenges. We’ve developed new and exciting teacher-curated resources for the classroom and we continue to bring attention to our titles and authors at educational conferences, in a fully virtual presentation.


Sep 8, 2021

Using Social Audio to Connect with Your Readers

A team of marketers and publicists across Penguin Random House recently conducted internal research and testing of the social audio landscape, and we’re excited to share some key takeaways. Dive in if you are curious!


Aug 11, 2021

Updated Author Portal Resource: Your Publishing Timeline

For first-time authors and seasoned pros alike, the overall publishing timeline for your book can sometimes be challenging to wrap your head around. In this guide, we start nine months before the publication of your new book to go over what’s happening at Penguin Random House and how you can help build your audience. (more…)

Aug 10, 2021

PRH Audio Launches Ahab Voiceover Casting Platform

In March, Penguin Random House Audio introduced Ahab, a global online casting platform that helps content creators find and hire exactly the right actor for any voiceover project, whether that’s an audiobook, a video game, an ad spot, animation, a documentary, or a podcast. (more…)

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