News for Authors

Fair Game: The Four Factors that Define Fair Use

by Emily Condlin|August, 2015

The widespread availability of copyrighted works on the Internet sometimes gives the impression that using or reproducing that material without permission is fair game. But despite its ostensible availability, not all content is free for the taking. Over time, U.S. courts and Congress have developed standards for determining when a use is “fair” and does not infringe copyright. Read more

How Do You Know When You’re Done Writing?

by MILENA SCHMIDT|August, 2015

At some point, every author has grappled with the question of how to know when you’re done writing your work-in-progress. From obsessing over the last few lines to getting lost in endless revisions, it’s hard to know when you’ve crossed the finish line from manuscript to final book. We asked Penguin Random House authors and editors to share how they know a book is truly done. Read more

How to Create Ambassadors for Your Book

by Sophie Mcneill|August, 2015

When we think about how authors can promote their books, we often think about their websites and social media reach. But did you know that some of your biggest assets may be closer to home: your friends, family, acquaintances, and other connections? We caught up with Christina Foxley, senior marketing manager for Harmony Books, to find out what advice she typically offers to help authors build their networks and create ambassadors for their books. Read more

What to Know About the New Author Portal

by MILENA SCHMIDT|June, 2015

We’re delighted to announce a significant upgrade to the Author Portal, which includes a better tool for tracking sales, new ways to connect with other authors, and an improved design that’s optimized across tablets and smartphones. Here’s what you need to know about the new portal.

Please note: if you had already registered, then your previous credentials will work on the new portal. You do not need to re-register.  Read more

A New Tool for Tracking Your Sales


Thousands of our authors use the Author Portal monthly, weekly, or even daily to check sales of their titles. We’ve completely rebuilt the Author Portal Sales Tool to make it easier to use, even while on the go. We’ve also amped up the tool’s analytical capabilities, making it simpler to compare titles and export information. Read on to learn all about our new enhanced Sales Tool. Read more

The Best of Connect with Readers

by Sophie McNeill |June, 2015

A popular feature of the Author Portal is our Connect with Readers section. Here, we’ve been gathering tips from Penguin Random House and external experts about how to connect with fans and market your titles. Now, take a whirlwind tour around the best content that Connect with Readers has to offer.  Read more

Introducing the New

by Emily Condlin and Amy Brinker|May, 2015

We’re excited to announce the launch of, our new public-facing website, which showcases Penguin Random House titles and makes it easier than ever for consumers to find their next great read. The new site, created in-house, also offers enhanced author information and other features to connect authors and readers more seamlessly than ever.

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Try Before You Buy

by Matt Schwartz|May, 2015

Previewing books has become increasingly important in helping readers decide to buy. A recent study found that 18 percent of respondents had read a sample of a book or looked through it in person, and liked it enough to make the purchase. More anecdotally, we often see a spike in sales when titles are placed into sampling programs, and a drop in sales when titles are withdrawn.

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Twitter Fiction Festival 2015

by Milena Schmidt|May, 2015

Save the date and mark your calendars. #TwitterFiction Festival will return from May 11 through May 15, pushing the boundaries of storytelling to bring fiction to life on Twitter—and onstage during an exclusive live event in New York City.

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The State of the eBook

by Emily Condlin|April, 2015

Recent reports suggest that eBook growth has plateaued and millennials haven’t been adopting digital reading at the same rate as their parents. Are eBooks still the future?

We sat down with Liisa McCloy-Kelley, Vice President, Director, eBook Development and Innovation, to learn more about the eBook landscape and how the format is developing.

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