In December, we hosted a webinar on media speaking engagements with Craig Burke, Director and VP of Publicity for Berkley. He answered frequently asked questions about preparing for media speaking engagements of all kinds. (more…)
In December, we hosted a webinar on media speaking engagements with Craig Burke, Director and VP of Publicity for Berkley. He answered frequently asked questions about preparing for media speaking engagements of all kinds. (more…)
We’re excited to announce a major upgrade to the Author Portal: the online Author Questionnaire, which gives you the ability to submit information about yourself and your upcoming titles to help shape marketing and publicity strategies for your next book. We have also updated the Profile Page to make it much easier for you to update personal information in our records. Read on to learn more about how you should use these tools. (more…)
Serialized fiction has had a place in the literary canon for hundreds of years—perhaps thousands if we consider Scheherazade weaving cliff-hangers night after night to outlast her husband’s cruel marital policies. (more…)
As writers, publishers, and believers in the power of language, we know how vital the First Amendment and free expression are to ensuring that books of all kinds are published for readers with every interest, from everywhere. (more…)
Last month, we hosted a webinar on Facebook and Twitter Analytics. In this article, we discuss some of the takeaways from that webinar, as well as let you know how these ideas can help shape your 2017 social media goals. (more…)
Holiday gifts come in all shapes and sizes (we prefer the book-shaped kind), and there’s more than one way to give. Holiday giving is not only about giving gifts, but also about giving back. (more…)
Millions of Americans take part in book clubs every month, in their own living rooms and via ever-expanding forms of social media. Read on to find out how the landscape of book clubs has changed, and how authors can engage with them. (more…)
From book fairs to educator conferences and at the many venues in between, Penguin Random House partners authors with educators to improve learning for students of all ages. Read on to learn more about these partnerships and educational events. (more…)
In summer 2016, the Penguin Random House Amazon sales team met with the head of the Author Central team to discuss frequently asked questions about author photos, new titles, and reader notifications. Here are those questions and answers: (more…)
At Penguin Random House, we’re always seeking new ways to foster one-on-one relationships between authors and readers. In today’s ever-changing marketing landscape, email remains an essential tool for reaching consumers with news about your books. That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of our newest automated email program, Penguin Random House Author Alerts! (more…)