News for Authors

Mar 1, 2015

Why Our Lawyers May Be Among Your Earliest Readers

Some books require an extra step in the publishing process: the legal vet or legal read. For many authors, news that their manuscript has been sent to the legal department can be intimidating, so we sat down with Executive Vice President and General Counsel Katherine Trager to find out more about the process and what it really means. Keep reading to learn what kind of manuscripts go to the legal department, and what issues the team looks for.


Mar 1, 2015

Show and Tell: Taking Tips from Author Websites

Last month, Brandi Larsen, digital publishing director for the Berkley, New American Library, and Celebra imprints, hosted a webinar to help Penguin Random House authors understand how to evaluate and improve their websites. We talked to Brandi about what authors can learn from great author websites.


Feb 2, 2015

8 Great Ways to Start the Writing Process

Getting the first sentence on paper can be one of the most difficult challenges a writer faces. Read on for ideas from eight authors on how to kick-start the writing process. These excerpts come from Write Start, a new Biographile series that shares tips, advice, and poignant personal stories from popular fiction and non-fiction authors. (Biographile is Penguin Random House’s site dedicated to biography, memoir, and truth in fiction.)


Feb 2, 2015

Making the Most of a Media Appearance

Media appearances are an important part of many book launches and a great opportunity to spread the word about your book. But being a memorable guest on radio or television involves more than just the interview itself. Use the social media you already have to magnify the impact of your appearance and make yourself a welcome return guest.


Feb 2, 2015

How to Do Medium Well

Authors are a natural fit for Medium. Medium’s book collection, Biblio, has a sizeable following, reflecting an interest in bookish content; authors are active on the platform; and Medium recently started an original author video series called Foreword, in which author Kelly Corrigan interviews the likes of Margaret Atwood, Mary Roach, and Walter Isaacson.

But first things first. What exactly is Medium? And as an author, how can you take part?  (more…)

Jan 6, 2015

Penguin Random House Publishing Highlights: 2014

As we ring in 2015, we look back on a year filled with success for many of our talented authors. Continue reading to see some of those highlights at a glance. We look forward to working closely with all of you in 2015, and to celebrating many more successes! (more…)

Jan 6, 2015

Lights, Camera, Action: A New Video Studio for Penguin Random House

Building on the success of the existing Hudson Street video studio, Penguin Random House recently opened the door to a second state-of-the-art facility at 1745 Broadway in New York.

To accompany the new facility, Penguin Random House has significantly expanded the video production and services team. We caught up with John Clinton, director of digital video, to find out more about the new facility and how video teams at both locations can support our authors. (more…)

Jan 6, 2015

Tips for Getting More Traffic from Search

Did you know that traffic from search engines usually makes up 50 to 60 percent of traffic to any website? Also, visitors from search engines such as Google and Yahoo are likely to be your most valuable visitors, because they searched for your content! Following these simple tips should help your site get more visitors from search engines.


Dec 1, 2014

’Tis the Season—Give Books and Give Back

Year after year, books are a favorite gift choice for shoppers during the holiday season. What more thoughtful way to show someone you care than with a book? This year, you can promote the gift of books and reading during the giving season, on- and offline. Keep reading to learn how you can join Penguin Random House to give books and give back.


Dec 1, 2014

Up Close and Personal: New Consumer Event Formats

Traditional consumer events such as book tours and press events have long been an important part of the publishing mix, and continue to be vital in spreading the word about a new book. But Penguin Random House has also been looking for new ways to connect readers directly with their favorite authors—by inviting super-fans to live events that are bold, exciting, and fun.


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