News for Authors

Tuning In, Hanging Out, and Turning Pages: Book Purchasers and Media

by Sophie McNeill|June, 2014

There’s no doubt about it—book purchasers are curious about and engaged with media content across a variety of platforms and channels, especially online media. This makes book purchasers more accessible than ever to messages from authors and publishers.

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Receiving the “Enormous Envelope”

by Anna Quindlen|May, 2014

Award-winning author Anna Quindlen describes the start of the editing process with Kate Medina, in this touching tribute to the special relationship between author and editor. (Adapted from a speech Anna gave introducing Kate as the recipient  of the 2014 Poets & Writers Editor’s Award.)

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Hang Out with Readers on Google

by John Clinton with Milena Schmidt |May, 2014

Happy birthday to Google Hangouts, which turns one year old this month. Chats featuring notable authors such as Toni Morrison have put Google Hangouts on the map as an innovative way to engage with readers. Here’s what you need to know and keep in mind when planning a Google Hangout.

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10 Tips for More Effective Email Marketing

by Jessica Loffredo|May, 2014

Email is anything but dead. It’s a vital part of any marketing plan, allowing you to reach readers easily at any time. But with all the inbox competition that emails face each day, how can you make your emails stand out? And if you’re new to email marketing, where should you begin? Here are 10 tips for making your email program shine.

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#TwitterFiction Festival Ignites Innovative Storytelling

by Milena Schmidt|April, 2014

Authors across numerous publishers, including Penguin Random House, recently transformed Twitter into a forum for experimental storytelling during #TwitterFiction Festival 2014. The festival, which took place March 12 through 16, was a partnership among the Association of American Publishers, Penguin Random House, and Twitter. It resulted in a five-day round-the-clock global literary event that reached 50 million people on Twitter.

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Random House Builds Consumer-Insight Capabilities

by The Random House Consumer Insights Team|April, 2014

Publishing has traditionally been thought of as an industry that instinctively knows the reader and draws primarily on experience and general market trends to design publishing and marketing plans. Even as that instinctive factor remains a critical element of success, Random House has built a Consumer Insights team that draws on a number of data sources to help marketers and publishers better understand consumers. One of the most useful resources is the Random House reader panel, which allows direct access to and feedback from readers.

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Do Women Prefer Books Written by Women?

by Jacqueline Buros and Erika Nanartowicz|March, 2014

This month, the Random House Sales Analysis team offers an answer to the age-old questions “Do women prefer to buy books written by women? And do men prefer to buy books written by men?” We share their point of view, including some surprises about how this varies by genre.

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The Science of Sharing

by Sophie McNeill|March, 2014

Authors increasingly create content on an ongoing basis through social media, blogs, and video. But what makes a piece of content likely to be shared—and maybe even go viral? We look at some of the latest research in this fascinating area.

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You Are What You Tweet: Twitter Dos and Don’ts

by Milena Schmidt|March, 2014

In an age where we are defined by social media, it’s constructive to make a good impression when engaging with others. Each platform comes with its own rules of etiquette, which leaves many people feeling like outsiders until they catch on. This can be true of Twitter, as new users decipher the use of RT or MT, and fret over whom to follow back. Play by the rules and use common sense, and you’ll have the best chance of being rewarded with responsive followers. Keep in mind: You are what you tweet.

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The Journey from Manuscript to Book

February, 2014

What happens to a manuscript after it leaves an editor’s desk? This video explores the next critical steps in the pre-publishing process, from copy editing the text to designing and coding each interior page so the book renders beautifully in print and digital formats. Watch the video and go behind the scenes of preparing a manuscript for print and eBook production.