News for Authors

Oct 4, 2013

Indies Talk Trends

As noted by CNN, independent bookstores have turned a corner against fierce online competition by focusing on events, community, and the personal touch. To find out how they are surviving and thriving in the digital age, we spoke with three booksellers: BookPeople in Austin, Texas; The King’s English Bookshop in Salt Lake City, Utah; and Bank Square Books in Mystic, Connecticut. 


Oct 3, 2013

Flip Your Book

Would your readers like to immerse themselves in the world of your book? Now you can help them do just that, using the online magazine platform Flipboard.

Flipboard is a news and social media aggregation platform with eighty-five million users that allows people to easily create magazines from content that is already on the web. (more…)

Sep 3, 2013

Creating Community and Reaching New Readers: Freshman Year Reading

Many students around the country have dedicated time this summer to reading one book in particular: a common reading book assigned by a college or university to incoming first-year students. Over the past several years there has been a dramatic rise in the number of college and universities (now more than three hundred) that assign a common reading book—from small liberal arts colleges to large public institutions to Ivy League universities.  (more…)

Sep 3, 2013

Behind the Scenes at Random House Studio

RH Studio is the brainchild of Peter Gethers, a longtime Random House editor and a writer of books, screenplays, and television series. He conceived of the Random House Films unit in 2005, as a way to expand the readership and sales potential that our publishing teams see in books they acquire, by pitching appropriate titles to partners in the theatrical film industry. (more…)

Sep 3, 2013

Explore the Literary Side of Twitter with BookVibe

Have you ever wondered what your followers on Twitter are reading and what they are saying about books? A new book discovery tool called BookVibe lets you keep up with book trends, find new reads, and tune in to book chatter on Twitter. BookVibe utilizes a sophisticated algorithm to scour the Twittersphere for conversations about books, measure online buzz, and detect sentiment around books. (more…)

Aug 7, 2013

Ask the Sub Rights Teams [Infographic]

The demand for licensing rights for our authors’ books continues to grow with the expanding global marketplace.  When an editor acquires a new book, subsidiary rights become a negotiating point discussed with the literary agent.  The Subsidiary Rights groups create additional revenue streams for our authors by licensing the rights granted by agents to our authors’ works. The rights we offer can potentially include English-language reprint rights, foreign-language translations, audio versions, book club editions, pre-  and post-publication magazine excerpts (known as first and second serial rights); and occasionally performance rights (for film, television, or stage adaptations). (more…)

Aug 7, 2013

Bertelsmann Backs Digital Start-Ups

Are you familiar with Food52, BarkBox, or American Reading Company? These innovative emerging companies share something in common: Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments (BDMI), the venture capital arm of Bertelsmann, has made investments in all of them. BDMI takes minority equity stakes in early-stage companies on the digital media landscape in North America and Europe.  With offices in New York and Berlin, BDMI has its radar attuned to new companies that show entrepreneurial and game-changing promise, and can benefit from Bertelsmann’s worldwide network of diverse businesses. (more…)

Aug 7, 2013

Ready, Set, Shoot! Express Yourself with Instagram Video

Instagram addicts will be happy to learn that the platform recently added a video feature. Now there’s more than one way to express and promote your interests on the Facebook-owned platform used by more than 130 million people. (more…)

Jul 2, 2013

A Letter to Authors from CEO Markus Dohle




July 1, 2013

To Our Authors,

Today, Random House and Penguin are officially united as Penguin Random House. For us, today is a beginning, and I very much want to reach out to you on our first day as a new company, because it all begins with you: you and the books you write and entrust to us to publish. For us, this is a sacred trust, one that before today Penguin and Random House have honored separately. Now it is a commitment and a privilege that unifies us. (more…)

Jul 2, 2013

A Letter to Agents from CEO Markus Dohle




July 1, 2013

To Our Literary Agents,

Today, I am proud to write to you from the officially united Penguin Random House. (more…)

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