News for Authors

Getting the Most Out of Leading Social Media Platforms

by Jacky Bethea|May, 2024

Whether you’re an Instagram pro or a TikTok novice, every author can benefit from the free in-app tools, resources, and analytics that social media platforms make available to their users. Read on for our best tips on how to use these offerings to level up your social media presence! Read more

Uncovering the Myths and Truths of the Marketplace: A Video Presentation

by Penguin Random House U. S.|February, 2024

In this newsletter, we are pleased to share an in-depth marketplace analysis to help create a collective understanding around key 2023 marketplace developments and provide actionable analysis on what we can all do in the year ahead. Following an introduction from Nihar Malaviya, CEO of Penguin Random House, a member of our Sales team, Reid Welsh, Senior Director, Sales Analysis, shares trends and developments about our ever-evolving book marketplace. From the impact of publishing during elections to category growth drivers, this presentation explores the opportunities, realities, and myths of the current marketplace.

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Media & Reading Trends Among Middle-Graders & Teens

by Alison Wallach|August, 2022

Penguin Random House recently partnered with Dubit, a children’s media and research company, to better understand what kids and teens watch, read, listen to, and play. Read on to learn more about media trends in these age groups.

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Using Facebook and Twitter Analytics to Shape Your 2017 Social Media Goals

by Emily Hughes|December, 2016

Last month, we hosted a webinar on Facebook and Twitter Analytics. In this article, we discuss some of the takeaways from that webinar, as well as let you know how these ideas can help shape your 2017 social media goals. Read more

Birdwatching: New Twitter Analytics

by Emily Hughes|October, 2014

Twitter recently rolled out a new free analytics platform, which you can reach at Previously, Twitter offered only very basic analytics, but the revamped page offers much improved tools, similar to Facebook Insights.

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BISACs: Cracking the Code

by Andrea Bachofen|May, 2013

BISAC codes are assigned to every title in the marketplace, and publishing teams work hard to assign the right codes—so, what exactly are BISACs and why do they matter? We demystify the process behind BISACs and take a look at some surprising marketplace trends they reveal.

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Facebook’s Smarter Search

by Sonia Nash Gupta|April, 2013

In January, Facebook launched their new Graph Search experience, which works with information users themselves have put on Facebook to create more tailored and personal search results. We look at the impact on Facebook users and how to adapt your Page to take advantage of this new functionality.

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Who Reads eBooks? [Infographic]

by Mina Park, Senior Analyst, Consumer Insights|January, 2013

Who are eBook consumers and what are their reading habits? These questions are frequently posed to the Random House Research and Analytics team, and fortunately we have some great sources for understanding this technology-savvy group. One of those resources is data that we acquire through regular surveys of U.S. book consumers, which we can filter to look solely at eBook consumers. This has enabled us to get a good picture of who they are and their attitudes toward books and reading. What emerges is a portrait of the highly engaged reader: avid readers across digital and print formats, and technology “fast-forwards” who are more accessible than ever via both online and offline touch points.

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Webinar Roundup

by Sophie McNeill|December, 2012

If you missed some of our great author webinars, do not fear! They are all recorded and available on the Portal. And, just to whet your appetite, here’s some of the advice we heard from experts from Twitter, Goodreads, Tumblr, and the Random House marketing team. Read more

Made to Measure: Web Analytics

by Sophie McNeill|August, 2012

Last month, we looked at how to track your social media effectiveness. This month, we show you how to make the most of Google Analytics and other free tools to help you understand your fans and build your author presence online. Read more