News for Authors

Feb 8, 2016

Creating Reality in Fiction Writing

To the outside world, fiction writing gives an author unlimited freedom. From fantasy to contemporary and all genres in between, an author chooses—and often invents—the story’s setting, environment, culture, dialect, and technology, among other key elements.


Feb 8, 2016

Defining Metadata: Putting Your Books into the Hands of More Readers

From writing descriptive copy to choosing the right keywords and BISAC subject codes, we take a look at a few of the nitty-gritty metadata decisions your publishing team makes to ensure that your book reaches the widest possible audience.


Feb 8, 2016

Everything You Need to Know about Organizing a Blog Tour

Blog tours can be a great way to drum up early excitement about your book’s release. But what are the benefits of a blog tour, and how can you start your own? Our publicists are here to answer frequently asked questions about blog tours.


Jan 7, 2016

Penguin Random House Publishing Highlights: 2015

As we ring in 2016, we look back on the previous year, which was filled with success for many of our talented authors. We look forward to working closely with many of you in 2016, and to celebrating many more successes!



Jan 7, 2016

Building the Best Relationship with Indies

All bookstores love to support local authors, including independent stores, who can put extra effort into promoting an author and hand-selling books to readers. So your team at Penguin Random House works hard to ensure indies learn about your book. (more…)

Jan 7, 2016

New Year’s Resolution for Authors: Find Your Social Media Joy

With the zillions of sites available for people to connect, it’s forgivable for your head to swim when you think about where to focus your social media efforts. (more…)

Jan 7, 2016

Barnes & Noble Affiliate Program Update

Does your website use affiliate tracking for your retailer links? Then don’t miss this important Barnes & Noble Affiliate Program update.


Dec 7, 2015

5 Fun Ways We’re Reaching Readers in 2015

Throughout 2015, the teams at Penguin Random House have rolled out many innovative programs aimed at introducing our books to the widest possible audiences. Read on to learn about some of the ways we have reached new readers in 2015, and how you can get involved.

Dec 7, 2015

The Business of Blurbing

Soliciting blurbs makes many authors anxious—even though gaining an endorsement from someone you greatly admire can be an ego boost and an asset to your book. But the solicitation process also requires a sense of realism and practicality. We talked to four Penguin Random House editorial team members about the process of blurbing. (more…)

Dec 7, 2015

Picture-Perfect Social Media Profile Photos

A picture is said to speak a thousand words, and determining the best visual to use for your social media profiles can be a daunting task. We asked publicity and social media experts to share tips and best practices to help you literally put your best face forward, across different platforms. (more…)

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